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Dental Treatment - Medical Tourism Turkey
Dental Treatment - Medical Tourism Turkey
Dental Treatment in Antalya

Dental Treatment

Dental treatments in Turkey, particularly in cities like Antalya, have become a prominent aspect of medical tourism. Turkey has gained a reputation for offering high-quality, affordable dental care, attracting patients from across the globe.

The combination of affordable prices, high-quality care, advanced technology, and the opportunity for a concurrent vacation makes Turkey an attractive destination for dental treatments.

Advantages of Dental Treatments in Turkey


  • Affordable Prices: Dental treatments in Turkey are often significantly more affordable than in many Western countries, including the U.S., Canada, and the UK, without compromising on quality.
  • All-Inclusive Packages: Many dental clinics offer packages that include the treatment, as well as accommodation and transportation, providing further savings.

Quality of Care

  • Highly Skilled Dentists: Turkey boasts a large pool of well-trained, experienced dental professionals, many of whom have qualifications from, or have trained in, Europe or North America.
  • Advanced Technology: Turkish dental clinics are known for utilizing state-of-the-art dental technology and following contemporary treatment methods.

Wide Range of Services

  • Comprehensive Treatments: From cosmetic dentistry, such as veneers and teeth whitening, to more complex procedures like dental implants and full mouth restorations, Turkish dental clinics offer a wide array of services.
  • Customization: Treatments are often highly customized to meet the specific needs and preferences of each patient.

Accreditation and Standards

  • International Standards: Many dental clinics in Turkey adhere to international health care standards, with some being accredited by global organizations.
  • Hygiene and Safety: Clinics maintain high levels of hygiene and follow strict sterilization protocols, ensuring patient safety.

Short Waiting Times

Efficiency: Dental clinics in Turkey often offer quicker appointments and shorter waiting times compared to those in many other countries, allowing for efficient treatment, often completed in just a few days.

Combining Treatment with Tourism

  • Travel Opportunities: Patients can combine their dental treatment with a chance to explore Turkey’s rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and renowned hospitality.
  • Recovery in Comfort: The pleasant climate and scenic locations provide an ideal environment for recovery after dental procedures.

Language and Communication

In dental clinics across Turkey, staff members proficient in various languages are employed. This significantly reduces language barriers for patients from all around the world, making their treatment process more understandable and comfortable.

All on Four

The “All on Four” dental treatment is a modern approach to dental implants that provides a permanent solution for individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth. 

The “All on Four” technique involves the placement of four dental implants in the jawbone to support a full arch of prosthetic teeth.

It is designed to provide a stable and long-lasting solution for extensive tooth loss, often as an alternative to traditional dentures.

“All on Four” is a revolutionary solution in restorative dentistry, offering significant improvements in quality of life for those with extensive tooth loss.

All on Four Dental Implants - Medical Tourism Turkey


  • Implant Placement: Four titanium implants are strategically placed in the jaw. Two are positioned at the front of the mouth, and two are placed at the back at an angle for maximum support.
  • Osseointegration: Over time, these implants fuse with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration, providing a sturdy foundation for the prosthetic teeth.
  • Prosthetic Attachment: Once the implants have integrated with the jawbone, a full arch of prosthetic teeth (a fixed bridge) is attached to these four points, providing the appearance and function of natural teeth.

Advantages of All On Four

  • Immediate Results: The procedure often allows for the placement of a temporary set of teeth on the same day as the implant surgery.
  • Improved Oral Function: Provides better chewing efficiency and comfort compared to traditional dentures.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The prosthetics are designed to look and feel like natural teeth, enhancing the patient’s smile and facial structure.
  • Bone Preservation: Helps prevent further bone loss in the jaw, a common issue with tooth loss.
  • No Need for Bone Grafting: In many cases, patients who lack sufficient bone volume for traditional implants can still opt for “All on Four” without needing bone grafting.
All on Six Dental Implants - Medical Tourism Turkey

All on Six

The “All on Six” dental treatment is a type of full-arch dental restoration that uses six dental implants to support a full set of prosthetic teeth. This procedure is an advanced solution for individuals who have lost a significant number of teeth or require a complete dental reconstruction. 

“All on Six” involves the surgical placement of six dental implants in the jawbone. These implants serve as anchors for a full arch of prosthetic teeth, either in the upper or lower jaw, or both.

Designed to provide a stable, long-lasting solution for extensive tooth loss, offering an alternative to traditional dentures or multiple individual implants.


  • Implant Placement: Six titanium implants are strategically positioned in the jawbone. Unlike traditional implants, “All on Six” often avoids the need for bone grafting, even in patients with some degree of bone loss.
  • Osseointegration: The implants undergo a process called osseointegration, where they fuse with the jawbone, providing a solid foundation for the prosthetic teeth.
  • Prosthetic Fitting: After the implants have integrated with the bone, a custom-made full arch of prosthetic teeth is attached to these implants.


  • Enhanced Stability: The use of six implants provides increased support and stability for the prosthetic arch, distributing the force of biting and chewing more evenly.
  • Improved Function and Comfort: Offers better chewing efficiency and comfort compared to traditional dentures.
  • Aesthetic and Functional Benefits: Prosthetics are designed to look and function like natural teeth, enhancing aesthetics and speech.
  • Preservation of Bone Structure: Helps maintain jawbone integrity and prevent the bone loss associated with missing teeth.
  • Immediate Loading: In some cases, a temporary set of teeth can be placed on the same day as the implant surgery.

Metal Porcelain Crowns / Full Veneers

Metal porcelain crowns and full veneers are common types of dental restorations used to improve the function and appearance of teeth.

Both metal porcelain crowns and full veneers are effective dental restoration methods with specific uses and benefits. The choice between them depends on the individual’s dental condition, aesthetic goals, and the dentist’s recommendation.

Veneers - Medical Tourism Turkey

Metal Porcelain Crowns

  • Composition: Metal porcelain crowns consist of a metal alloy base that is covered with a layer of porcelain. The metal core provides strength and durability, while the porcelain exterior offers a natural tooth-like appearance.
  • Uses: They are typically used to restore damaged, decayed, or misshapen teeth. They can also be used to protect a tooth after a root canal treatment or to anchor a dental bridge.
  • Procedure: The procedure involves reshaping the affected tooth to make room for the crown, taking an impression of the tooth, and then fabricating the crown in a dental lab. The crown is later cemented onto the prepared tooth.
  • Advantages: These crowns are known for their strength and longevity, making them suitable for restoring molars, which undergo heavy biting forces.
  • Aesthetics: While the porcelain provides a tooth-like appearance, the metal core can sometimes be visible at the gum line, which might not be aesthetically pleasing for some patients, particularly for front teeth.

Full Veneers

  • Composition: Full veneers, or porcelain veneers, are thin shells of porcelain custom-made to fit over the front surface of teeth.
  • Uses: They are primarily used for cosmetic purposes, such as to enhance the appearance of teeth that are discolored, chipped, slightly misaligned, or have gaps.
  • Procedure: The process involves removing a small amount of enamel from the front of the tooth, taking an impression, and then attaching the custom-made veneer to the tooth.
  • Advantages: Porcelain veneers provide a natural tooth appearance and are resistant to staining. They offer a conservative approach to changing a tooth’s color and shape; veneers generally don’t require the extensive shaping that crowns do.
  • Considerations: Veneers are less invasive than crowns but are not reversible since a portion of the original tooth enamel is removed. They also may not be the ideal choice for teeth that require significant reshaping or strengthening.
Zirconium Porcelain Crowns / Full Veneers

Zirconium Porcelain Crowns / Full Veneers

Zirconium porcelain crowns and full veneers are advanced dental restorations known for their strength and aesthetic appeal. They are widely used in cosmetic dentistry to enhance the appearance and functionality of teeth.

Choosing between zirconium porcelain crowns and full veneers depends on individual dental needs, aesthetic goals, and the dentist’s recommendations.


Zirconium Porcelain Crowns

  • Composition: These crowns have a strong zirconium oxide base, which is then layered with porcelain. Zirconium is a white, translucent metal known for its durability and strength.
  • Uses: Ideal for restoring damaged, decayed, or misshapen teeth, especially in areas of the mouth where the restoration needs to withstand significant biting forces, like the molars. They are also used for cosmetic improvements.
  • Procedure: Similar to other crown procedures, it involves reshaping the tooth, taking an impression, and then crafting the crown to fit over the tooth. The crown is later cemented onto the prepared tooth.
  • Advantages: Zirconium crowns are known for their durability and excellent aesthetic results. They provide a more natural look compared to traditional metal crowns due to their translucency, which mimics the appearance of natural tooth enamel.
  • Biocompatibility: Zirconium is biocompatible, meaning it is less likely to provoke a reaction in the body and has excellent compatibility with gum tissues.

Full Zirconium Veneers

  • Composition: These veneers are made entirely of zirconium oxide. They are thin shells designed to cover the front surface of teeth.
  • Uses: Zirconium veneers are used for cosmetic purposes, such as improving the appearance of discolored, chipped, or slightly misaligned teeth.
  • Procedure: The process involves removing a minimal amount of enamel from the front of the tooth, taking an impression, and then attaching the custom-made veneer.
  • Advantages: They offer a highly aesthetic solution due to their translucency and light-reflecting properties, closely resembling natural tooth enamel. They are also strong and long-lasting.
  • Considerations: Like other veneers, they are less invasive than crowns but still require the alteration of the natural tooth structure. They are an excellent choice for patients seeking an aesthetic improvement with a more durable material.